Practical session will be given on 8 Different Aircraft configuration-Flying conditioned Aircrafts
Aircraft Maintanence
Aircraft Avionics system
Aircraft Aerodynamics Design
Live Working IC Propeller Engine & Propulsion
Aircraft systems and control
Air Traffic control & Airport Design
supersonic Fighter Aircraft Computational Analysis
Jet engine ,Nozzle , Compressor , turbine heat flow & External Wing Aerodynamics
Session will be handled Both Technical and Industrial Experience
enrich students knowledge In Depth
• Based on Number of Days Participation Certficate will be Provided
• Experinced and Lincensed Aircraft Engineers will handle the sessions
• Technical Session will be handled by Li censed Engineers
• Certificate will be given with Government Approved Corporate ID
• Certificate is valid for Any university in India as well for MNC Job Interviews
Accommodation Guidance Provided on charge basis - Near by P.G (Payable)
Weekends Leave will be provided
Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday- Sunday: Week off
SkyAeroSpace-,Workden,HAL Old Airport Road , Bangalore-560071, India